Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Hitler Stick

I'm a fairly calm person in the face of many things that infuriate others. For instance, if I receive the wrong order at a restaurant I'm likely to eat it without comment (if there are no onions involved). Likewise, I'm fairly zen about traffic jams. However, one thing that sets me off is blatantly bad logical arguments. I'm neither bothered by, nor immune to, occasional logical slips. However, when an argument is consistently bandied about publicly that is so jarringly illogical that anyone could see it, if they so chose, I get all tense through the chestal region. I'm fairly certain that I will one day die because of this, but until then I choose to sound off about it. Maybe this will act as a pressure release valve and extend my life slightly.

Lately, the flagrant misuse of thousands of years of human consciousness that has bothered me is the invocation of Hitler when discussing the health care debate. Opponents to universal health care (or, more accurately, any sliver of an iota of universal health care) have pointed out that this was one of the programs of Nazi Germany.

Now, in all fairness, I have no idea whatsoever if this is true. And, perhaps unfairly, I have no intention on finding out because I don't care. I'm going to concede the point. In fact, let's assume, just for kicks, that it was Hitler who came up with the whole idea of universal health care and outlined his plan for a public option somewhere in Mein Kampf's appendix. The logical leap into the abyss that conservative lawmakers, pundits, and banshee-voiced town hall protesters are making is in assuming that this was a defining characteristic of Hitler.

Hitler was, no argument, a monster who spent much of his time contemplating and implementing evil things. This is well established. What is less well established, but also true, is that after a big turkey dinner he took a nap, woke up, and went to the bathroom. By all accounts, so did Stalin. The point is, while Hitler did many evil things, he also did many other things that all humans do.

When some conservative break out the Hitler brush to paint Obama over health care reform, they are doing so with a non-defining attribute of Hitler. So many innocuous countries have universal health care coverage that it is ridiculous to label it a Nazi policy. It is akin to someone labeling me a Nazi because, like Hitler, I both inhale and exhale.

Now, this is not the first time in recent years that a president has been hit with the Hitler stick. And I think it was probably unfair (of me, occasionally, I admit) to use it on George W. Bush. However, when we think about the defining attributes of Hitler, what comes to mind is. . .wars of aggression with dubious premises. . . detaining people without charge and torturing them. . .

I'll stop there because, as I said, I don't think Bush was Hitler reincarnate. I'm just pointing out that sometimes illogical thinking and hypocrisy make very nice bedfellows.


  1. More Nazis:
    - mediocre artists
    - mustachioed persons (male or female)
    - WWI veterans
    - Austrian-born Germans
    - people named "Adolf"
    - people surnamed "Hitler"
    - people who have books published
    - people who exterminate millions of European Jews (this one is pretty obvious)
    - anti-communists

  2. Let's not forget people of below average height, Travis. Nazi's all.

  3. Based on Wikipedia, a noted non-Nazi source of information, I deduce that people who had a sibling die in childhood are also Nazis.

  4. I am just glad Kennedy was able to put the kibosh on Eisenhower's Hitleresque polices. Interstate highway system, indeed!

  5. Also, to add to the list of Nazi characteristics, most Nazis - and Hitler is no exception - present themselves well in front of large audiences.

  6. Good call, Scott. That explains why right-wing media heroes like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh find such difficulty expressing themselves to crowds.

    I mean, if they were good speakers... they'd be just like Hitler and his black doppleganger (trust me, Hitler would love that), Obama. It's only logical.

  7. You say "interstate highway system," I say "autobahn." You say "President Eisenhower," I say "The American Fuhrer."

  8. This whole argument has been mein eternal kampf.

  9. Was that some German, Scott? Well I can think of one other person and his followers who spoke German...
